Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Anger and Revenge

I am currently writing a piece on this topic for a contest which will then publish the piece in a magazine along with a cash prize. As I began thinking about what those words mean to me and trying to think of examples in my life I realized I have angry friends. One of my closest friends fits the definition of these two words like a glove. As I am writing this piece I am wondering why am I friends with her? Does this reflect my character in any way? Does this picture me weak or evil? 

The dictionary defines anger as: a strong emotion; a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance

Revenge is: action taken in return for an injury or offense

There are plenty of examples in history of this, plays like Shakespeare's Hamlet, videos on Youtube of a girl getting beat up because of rumors she spread, and even shows on TV. It seems these two words go hand in hand. However, is there an appropriate time and place for everything. So what do you think? Should people turn the other cheek or take matters into their own hands?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Creative Nonfiction

I feel horrible for not writing in my blog for months but writing a blog is basically a full-time job and since I am a full-time student and have a part-time job it doesn't leave much more time to devote to writing in here. However, since this blog started out as a school project on travel writing it restricted my creativity to post on other topics. Now that the sky's the limit I feel a sudden surge to write. I make no promises but I will try my hardest to post more often.

Just to clarify Travel Writing is a form of Creative Nonfiction so the previous posts were a good starting point but I won't be restricted any longer.

This is my White Canvas.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Americans= uneducated travelers

I recently found this on the internet and couldn't stop laughing. These are TRUE stories provided by travel agents. I feel this qualifies my job as a travel writer to educate people about the world. Please don't be like these people! Pick up a travel magazine or try Google before expanding your horizons. 


#1 Most Beautiful Beach in the World

The poll has been closed and the results were as follows: 1-Mexico, 2-Hawaii, 3-Brazil, 4- Tie between Philippines and Bermuda. However, public opinion was incorrect!

The correct answer is BRAZIL. 

Fernando De Noronha, is is an archipelago of 21 islands and islets in the Atlantic Ocean, around 220 miles offshore from the Brazilian coast.Probably the most beautiful beaches in the world where only a few people know about it. Fernando De Noronha is one of the Unesco World Heritage Site's described as “the most beautiful marine park in the World”. Now that you know about it you can visit this paradise in peace and quiet since not a lot of people know about it. 

Out of ten the Philippines is the fourth, Bermuda is the fifth, Hawaii is the seventh, and Mexico is the ninth in the world. 

Friday, October 15, 2010

Travel Writing for the 21st Century

Many believe travel writing is dead. I may have a biased opinion on this topic but I think this article sums up how I feel about travel writing. 

"The ways our best writers have found to narrate the experience of journeying through our world have never been so alive" - JOSHUA JELLY-SCHAPIRO

 As a travel writer my job is to use surface color to explore deeper structure. I do more than just describe the "exotic" places this Earth has to offer. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Stilettos or Nike 3.0

My mother recently took a girls trip to New York City for the first time. She was so excited she kept asking me which shows to go to, where to shop, and the names of good restaurants. The first time I went to NYC was in 2005 so I barely remembered the specifics of the city. 

After she got there I kept receiving pictures of her enjoying the vivaciousness of this intriguing city. If you have seen a movie set in NYC you pretty much get the sense of this beautiful city. People are always in a hurry to get somewhere. Women are wearing either stilettos or running shoes. Men carry briefcases or an instrument. 

If you have never been you are truly missing out not only on great entertainment but the essence of this city itself. There is nothing like it anywhere else although Las Vegas does give it some competition. Of the many place to visit the one that impacted me the most was Ellis Island. Being able to see all of faces of those immigrants really touched my heart and reminded me that we are all immigrants here. We are all different yet we come together to make up what we call America; the land of freedom.

Monday, October 11, 2010

My Hometown

Being from Texas I have sufficient pride in my state unlike other Texans I do not have an obsession. I do however like to boast about the great city of Houston. The downtown skyline is what most people are familiar with but I am here to tell you there's more to this city. A heterogeneous community full of color, life, and southern hospitality. Most Texans do have accents, cowboy boots and hats, some wear tight Levi jeans and we say "Y'all". That of course isn't the majority of the population. We don't ride horses to school and tumbling weeds don't go rolling down the street. However, cops do ride horses downtown (it's just easier to catch those drunken hooligans) and you can only find tumbling weeds a few hours outside of the city.    

Food is our specialty. A mix of Mexican, Soul Food, Indian, Chinese, Korean, Thai and other food types fill every street corner. Within each block you can find any type of restaurant to fill any insatiable craving. However, don't be afraid to go up to the Mexican stands on the corner because they are just as good as any restaurant. 

There is amazing shopping either downtown or pick one of the many outlets in the surrounding area. Houston is a big city and you can just about find anything you want either cheap or high priced...take your pick. I love the Katy Mills Outlet Mall and the Houston Premium Outlet. 

Yes, it is hot and humid down there because we are 45 minutes away from the gulf. On a hot day spend it by the pool, go to Galveston Beach, Kemah Boardwalk, or stay inside where it's air conditioned. During these hot summer days I like to go watch the Astros play. 

There's a lot more to a Metropolitan city like this one but you have to visit to know for yourself.