Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Stilettos or Nike 3.0

My mother recently took a girls trip to New York City for the first time. She was so excited she kept asking me which shows to go to, where to shop, and the names of good restaurants. The first time I went to NYC was in 2005 so I barely remembered the specifics of the city. 

After she got there I kept receiving pictures of her enjoying the vivaciousness of this intriguing city. If you have seen a movie set in NYC you pretty much get the sense of this beautiful city. People are always in a hurry to get somewhere. Women are wearing either stilettos or running shoes. Men carry briefcases or an instrument. 

If you have never been you are truly missing out not only on great entertainment but the essence of this city itself. There is nothing like it anywhere else although Las Vegas does give it some competition. Of the many place to visit the one that impacted me the most was Ellis Island. Being able to see all of faces of those immigrants really touched my heart and reminded me that we are all immigrants here. We are all different yet we come together to make up what we call America; the land of freedom.

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