Monday, October 4, 2010

Dream Job

In case I haven't mentioned this or you haven't noticed I love to travel thus my goal is to become a travel writer after I graduate (which is pretty soon and quite scary yet exciting). I came across a blog on travel that led me to this discovery of a perfect job. The blog is called Gran Tourismo   so the job description: travel the world and write about it. She even gets to have her husband come along for the ride. They are currently in Costa Rica (learning how to fun is that?). They have a year to visit 24 different destinations and countless memories together to appreciate when they are old looking out at the world from their front porch. It's more than just traveling and getting paid to do it. Lara and Terence are learning to live like the locals and enjoying living in these different countries while giving back to these places. Usually a vacation means self-indulgence "Me Time" but these two travel writers are volunteering at each destination to help give back rather than just taking. 

Have you done any volunteer work while on vacation? Leave some suggestions so that we may all give back instead of just taking during our vacations.

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